Chemical free, long lasting and waterproof
Chemical-free and safe for dogs and cats, including providing flea and tick prevention for puppies, Pawtect has been a family favourite since 2011.
Flea and tick remedies for dogs come in many forms including the insecticide based topicals, tablets and collars. Natural dog flea and tick repellent products include homeopathic remedies for fleas on dogs, food supplements, and of course the must have fur-baby bling, Pawtect.

The internet search for flea and tick prevention for dogs natural, dog natural flea tick repellent and natural flea remedies for puppies is increasing each year. As with the global leaning towards more natural products for ourselves and as a way of protecting the planet, pet parents are also increasingly aware of the importance of choosing natural flea and tick products.
There are three areas we must address when faced with a flea invasion. The pet(s), their home and the outdoor areas they frequent. While there isn’t much we can do about fleas and ticks picked up in the dog park or at day care from other dogs, we can aim to provide as much flea prevention for dogs natural as possible using natural flea deterrent for dogs while they are out and about, and being ready to address it further at home with additional products if required.

When in a heavily infested flea or tick area such as forests, parks or long grass, a dog natural tick repellent and a dog natural flea repellent for puppies I have occasionally Neem oil in addition to Pawtect. It’s not the sweetest smelling product but it can be effective if extra support is needed.
Pawtect tends to support most pets without the need for additional products but I do invite you to be open to using additional natural measures if required, particularly during change of seasons. Sometimes the perfect spring or summer for us can also signal the perfect conditions for fleas to decide it’s carnival time.